More efficient to call all Components from a single class?

Hello everyone,
i have quiet a large project in front of me with a lot of different script. Each script is called like that:

void Start() {
        ScriptA a = GetComponent<ScriptA> ();
		ScriptB b = GetComponent<ScriptB> ();
		ScriptC c = GetComponent<ScriptC> ();
		ScriptD d = GetComponent<ScriptD> ();
		// ... and so on
        // ...

All of the Scripts are attached to the camera. Often the other scripts need the same list of Script references to operate.

Recently i read that the call GetComponent<> is quiet expensive. So i thought about why not make only one script (called “Vars”) that has the all the references stored in public variables. After that all the other scripts just need to get a single reference to the Vars script and can call the methods of the refereces. For exampe:

Vars v = GetComponent<Vars> ();

Is this more efficient to use the Vars class as the connection to the actual class that is needed?

AFAIK, it’s impossible to do what you want with Unity’s built-in functions.

But keep in mind that GetComponent is expensive, but it’s totally fine to call them in the Start function. Just avoid to call it in the Update as much as you can.