More free Mocap samples from Autodesk

There are actually quite a bit of mocap animation files in this package. There are also a lot of other freebies I discovered on there as well.

If you have maya LT 2016 you have also access to this directly within the software I think.

Sweet. What’s the license like?

Not sure, but I did find the license they use through their site. Sounds like it’s usable for commercial and learning stuff as well.

I don’t understand this creativemarket site at all
Are they owned by Autodesk ? That would explain the confusion and mess
Seems like a plain stock graphics site to me, with the 3d part ductaped onto it in a hurry

@ using the dowloaded assets (even purchased) in games - read the license carefully:

And as those 3d files do not seem to come with an explicit license themeself, the simplelicense would apply. Pretty unclear to say at least …

That so-called “simple” license is why I haven’t downloaded anything from that site, even though I have seen some interesting things. The license just does not seem safe for games. To me, animations would certainly “contribute to the core value” of a game or game character, so the offered motion capture files don’t seem like something that could actually be used in a game.

I’m not even sure how you could use anything on that site in a poster or animated movie you created without “contributing to the core value” of what you are creating.

That site has not much or anything to do with Autodesk other than that they or someone put the files there. The zip didn’t include any granting license so it would be dangerous to use any of them at least if you don’t own the version they are for.

Seems you are wrong. I knew/remembered it from the back of my brain, but was not able to clearly put my finger on that memory

AD tries so hard to push into “Indie”, but as usual: buying into something doesn’t mean understanding the concept