If everyone who reads this forum were to go to Lynda.com or vtc.com and make a request to see some video tutorials on Unity they would create a demand for them and then they would make them.
I personally would love to see a ton more Unity video tutorials available. SnapzPro X for OSX is a great tool for this if anyone’s interested in making a few more available. Don’t get me wrong though, Unity’s documentation is awesome compared to other game engines, but video based training and/or interactive based training is the wave of the future for education and it’s in my opinion the fastest way to learn.
If you haven’t already, check out the eleven or so videos from the Unite conference that UT posted on Christmas eve. They cover just about every area of Unity 2. I learned more from the GUI video in a half hour than I did with trial and error and the docs. Good stuff.
Please do give the new Resources area a look for the Unite videos as there should be some good material in there for you. Besides that I can confirm that we’re always wanting to expand the tutorial set so there will be even more new content to share as time goes on.
Thanks, the Unite videos are great… if your already a programmer. I keep watching them over and over again hoping that it’s going to all sink in and make sense at some point… especially the GUI and optimization videos. The funny thing is that I’ve designed hundreds of great GUI interfaces for Flash based stuff, but I feel crippled when trying to do the same thing in Unity because I can’t really do anything really cool GUI wise in Unity without first mastering the programming side of things. I prefer drag and drop GUI elements. I can’t seem to get used to not being able to just drag a GUI element on the screen to where I want it. A set of step by step video tutorials on how to design and code a cool looking GUI in Unity would be very useful for those of us who aren’t expert coders yet.
You can create any GUI you want by using the current gameObjects and rendering them with a 2nd camera over the main camera.
This way is a much more artist friendly approach and your gui always scales with the game’s resolution without all the silly math that the GUI api needs.
I would second the request for more video tutorials
I was looking at the manual, for 3 hours, and was not able to move even the camera around; then i was checking on all the stuff downloaded form the site and i found these 6 videos in m4v format…not even 5 minutes each, and i was able to move around, import and add props to the scene and also to change parameters for the camera!
i would save 3 hours if i would watch the vids first I am the kind of guy that love to read manuals while working and learning, but for some things i am more visual and require to see how you do that
If i can suggest something, would be nice to have more and longer vids, dedicated to how to start a project from the beginning (without the modeling part of course ) for example; in this way everyione would be able to pick how to use the interface, how to add props, modify them and how to integrate physics and other stuff like interface and similar; then to learn scripting is enough to have a book; for coding i prefer much more a book with good step by step examples instead of a video
Yeah, the tutorials from Will Goldstone are excellent!
Will, if you read this: please some more!!! :lol: :lol:
…and the source is downloadable! excellent as well!
i appreciate everything which helps a beginner doing further steps.
The official tutorials are fine, but i would have prefered some simpler , shorter projects…
seems that the tool cost more than the engine itself
for me the greatest thing is to have step b step tutorials that teach you how to do something; so once you got the basicsyou can start toe experiment with new stuff, but i think that the basic issues are always the same, and tutorials like the one made by Will are pure pleasure to follow and watch over and over
I am surprised that the only videos available for Unity are so few…Will demonstrated that it doesn’t take too much to make great tutorials (not minimizing his work, just showing p that it doesn’t take a marketing department to create good stuff )
I’ve found that most of the Will Goldstone Unity3D videos have severe trailing/artifacts at various points in the videos. This is the case when viewed from either my Mac or Windows PC.
You can tell him to record new versions there is no way to recover them, at the same way you can’t separate audio tracks once that you mix them together; since the artifacts were rcorded while he was doing the tutorial (probably his machine was too overloaded).
They worth gold even with artifacts, believe me learned more with his tuts than in 2 months reading the manual LOL