Most difficult game that you have ever played?

So today I decided to replay Dark Souls and I realized it is probably the hardest game I have ever played. That and Golden Eye on the n64 on 007 difficulty.

Anyone got any more horribly difficult game recommendations? I feel like throwing a controller through a TV or biting my game disc in half.


Dwarf Fortress.


Yeah I have heard things about this game. It is on my list.

X-COM: Terror from the Deep
I now fear the sea.

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Any decent infinite runner gets pretty hard a couple of minutes in. :wink:

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One of my favourite games, until you wake up the demons under ground for fist time. There you can only cry for your dwarfs.

Another one Aurora, “the Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games”

Definitely ‘I wanna be the guy’. Even on easy mode I never beat more than 1/3 of the game.

XCOM:EU on Ironman Impossible.


Catherine probably, on normal difficulty if I remember correctly. I’ll play it on hardest sometime in the future. :slight_smile:

Sini-Star (1983). Damn that thing sucked quarters out of everyone with super efficiency!

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I’ve seen and played a lot of games in my life, but I’m sorry, for difficulty, this little Flash game takes the cake.

All you have to do is get the athlete to run along the track.

Sounds simple right?


If we are talking about bumping up to the highest difficulty I still have yet to beat pandemic with four players in heroic difficulty mode.

Such a good game.
I had it on Playstation and a single game save took up an entire 15 block memory card :eyes:

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Defender (arcade)

F-Zero GX

Elite (never made it to Elite status), Starcraft AI on high settings, or Half Lifes going platformer in the last level.

I guess since I dont play hard games - hotline miami

ninja gaiden (nes version) with no save states.


Dont think ive ever won. stupid.


Jak II on PS2. Had a surprising number of I-want-to-pull-my-hair-out-now moments.