Just a quick question and hopefully I can describe this understandably. I am making a basic top-down shooter style game similar to Mars Matrix. And I’ve come to an impasse and am torn between which way is better to go for enemies prefabs. Right now I am completely creating the enemy putting each script needed on each ship section, and the larger ships have ten to twenty sections with multiple individual scripts.
The prefab is spawned by a basic spawning script which also puts variable information where needed so I can vary difficulty by changing the numbers on that script. This has been working but I keep going back and making ship changes or modifications then re-export the ship, then I have to start the prefab over placing scripts and filling in numbers on each part. It’s getting time consuming
So thinking about this is it possible and runtime-economical to have the spawning script simply place required scripts on that body part. So if/when we change our ships around I don’t have to completely rebuild each prefab?
Also, how do I place scripts inside var. So var name:What Goes Here;??? GameObject? Component? Script doesn’t seem to work?