Can anyone confirm that 2008 is the most recent natively supported version?
2009 yields a “couldn’t convert the mb to an fbx file”, and I’m very reluctant to go down a path of exporting to fbx manually instead of using the native Maya functionality, so I’d roll back to 2008 (bummer) if necessary.
I would like to know this as well. Having some issues with importing my Maya character out of 2009. Anybody got characters out of Maya 2009 successfully? Unity folks?
I have a sneaking suspicion that the issue lies in a mismatch between the install on the PC and the install on the Mac I use (I updated the PC to 2009, but the Mac was still at 2008).
I ended up simply using 2008 since other tools we use require it anyway, but in thinking about it now, Unity simply invokes the command line version of Maya to convert your .mb or .ma file into a .fbx, so I suspect that the real culprit was the version mismatch, and nothing to do with Unity at all.
So have we determined whether Maya 2009 project files DEFINITELY work with Unity? I’m about to purchase two licenses for Maya (big bucks here) and need to confirm that it’s working before we make a huge mistake.
Ethan (Antenna Tree) asked for a bunch of files from the community a little while back, to test the unity importer. Im pretty sure he said use the bug reporter, and in the “Bug” line put application/version, and if it had any specific features (Multiple UVs etc) make a note. I’d put “Attn Ethan” in as the first line, and link to this thread.
I wrote them an email and they stated that Unity does support Maya 2009. However, they suggested that you continue to use the 2006 version of the FBX plugin. They stated, “We are working on integrating support for the 2009 FBX plugin in the next version of Unity.”
So, to clarify, you can bring in Maya data in FBX format or .mb format, and if you’re using 2009, you should use FBX instead of taking the .mb file right in?
Also, sub-clarification, you can only bring in .mb files if they were created on a mac, right?
So , when you put Maya files in the project folder, it exports the file to FBX invisibly when you launch Unity. Apparently, you just have to make sure that the FBX plugin is 2006 not 2009 (b/c they haven’t confirmed if it works yet).