What is the latest method/plugin/program for Motion Capture with hardware like Microsofts Kinect.
For previous client work in 2013, I used iPi motion capture software with Kinects, processed in 3ds max for clean up (IKFK the feet/hands) and applied to the avatar/character. Then brought into Unity set as humanoid rig/avatar. All fbx characters i import using the same bone/hierarchy that matches up. From what i can remember
Is their a better method in 2016?? Did i miss anything?
Solid process imo, though I’m interested in knowing how much time expense is involved in kinect mocap cleanup. All the examples I’ve gotten my hands on are extremely low quality twitchy content that isn’t useful for improving/speeding up the animation process.
Seems most people suggest motion builder for any mocap content, however I’ve found Max can accomplish the same mocap tasks with the motion mixer, animation layers and key reduction.
@Kubold sells extensive mocap (not kinect) content on the asset store. Might be helpful to contact him through pm or through other methods.
These are pro tracking cameras,
can easily record in 3ds max for example, export to unity (can easily use data as-is, or at least with simple animations didn’t need any fixing)
How well does that work with the Kinects? I’ve never tried it, but I got the impression it wasn’t the most usable. @mgear , that’s some sweet hardware. But I dare say it’s a pretty steep change from Kinect camera XD