Moto Bike Racing for android competition by a 16 years old

hello all !
My name is zarak khan and i am from pakistan.In my country there is mobile apps and games competition going on at national level being organized by telecom company telenor for students.I am learning unity from last 8 months and was able to get help from an expert in my family but built this racing completely by me.My cousin says i am good in development :stuck_out_tongue: as i am only 16 and havent joined any university or college yet.But i have big plans :slight_smile:

All coding is done by me.and my brother helped me in the graphics area though he is accounting guy.i used unity pro provided by me coding expert cousin.he has pro version

I request you all to kindly donwload and rate good stars my game to make me win this competition because the final winner will be announced on the basis of good ratings.And also possible do give me your suggestions and advices here too.Here is the link of my game.

I do not have my personal developer account yet but will get one soon.

Remember this competition is not only limited to android but students are sending their games and apps for windows,iphone,symbian etc too.So the competition is tough in a broader term.Suggestions are very welcomed

i am also looking forward for any good graphics guy to improve my game graphics i have some money in paypal to pay for the graphics :slight_smile:

guys your feedback ?

how to better market my game.kindly suggest.i also want to offer my game source files cheap on unity store ??