Mouse-controlled doors

I’m trying to make a door that is controlled with the mouse without using animation (example, opening doors in the game Amnesia). In theory, this should be simple. I want to:

  1. Track the change in mouse Y position while holding down the mouse
  2. move the door’s rotation by this change in Y

Currently, the door rotates towards a y rotation of 0 as long as I hold the mouse. It will jump slightly to a position above 0 when I really jerk the mouse upwards, but then rotates quickly right back to 0. It’s printing the “angle” variable at about 0 in the debug, but I can’t figure out why. What I think is happening is it’s setting the “angle” variable to 0 whenever the mouse isn’t moving, instead of adding a 0 value (since the mouse isn’t moving) to the current y rotation of the door.

I think I’m going about this the right way, but have no idea what I’m overlooking. I really hope someone can help!

var clampMax : float;
var clampMin : float;
var damp : float;
private var currentMouseY : float;
private var oldMouseY : float = 0;
private	var mouseVelocity : float;
private var angle : float;

function OnMouseDown ()
//track the Y mouse position	
    	currentMouseY = Input.mousePosition.y;
//return the difference in Y positions
   		mouseVelocity = currentMouseY - oldMouseY;
//set the target rotation to the door's current rotation + the change in mouse Y value
		angle = transform.rotation.y + mouseVelocity;
//clamp the value to set how far the door can open in either direction
		angle = Mathf.Clamp(angle, clampMin, clampMax);
//set the euler rotation, and rotate the door
		var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0);
		transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, damp * Time.deltaTime);	
//track the old mouse Y position
    	oldMouseY = currentMouseY;

I think you misinterpreted the way Quaternion.Slerp works. Use it like this:

transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(closedDoorRotation, 
                           openDoorRotation, howMuchAreTheDoorOpen)

closedDoorRotation and openDoorRotation are constant Quaternions for a given door. Now manipulating howMuchAreTheDoorOpen value (increase it on mouse up, make sure it’s between 0 and 1) should do the job.