I am having an issue were I build my game for both Windows and Mac and the Mac’s version of the game has a mouse cursor that is 10x bigger then it should be. I have searched this question directly and indirectly but can’t find and bugs that resemble the same as mine. I tried my game on a Mac desktop and there was no issues but every time it is run on a Mac laptop it obtains a giant cursor. I am using a custom cursor image that is 454 x 454. Is it something to do with the cursor image or is it a bug with unity?
Hi! I got the same issue and resolved it by adjust size of your cursor image through inspector. Set the texture type to ‘Cursor’ and set the max size in default to 32. Then rebuild it again. The size of cursor should be fine now. And if it is too small or anything, I guess you could adjust the max size from 32 to 64 and so on…
Hope this helps
,Hi! I got the same issue and resolved it by resizing the cursor through inspector. The texture type should be ‘cursor’ and the max size in default should be 32. Then build it again. The cursor size now should be fine. I guess if you somehow want it to be bigger, just change 32 to 64 and so on.