Mouse events always picked up

Has anyone else noticed that if you have another app in front of a unity one either online or offline on windows that some mouse events still seem to get passed through to unity?
I have a camera control script that relies on the OnMouseDown event and if I put another app in front of the unity player when I return the mouse is permanently down until I click again in unity. Is there anyway to detect that unity has lost focus and stop it picking up mouse down events?

Hmm, I’ve noticed some Apple apps accept mouse wheel input when not in focus (Safari Mail are 2).

Not sure what could cause what you’re seeing. Do you have Application.runInBackground set to ‘true’, by chance?

Run in background is off.
I should have said I’m only seeing this behaviour on windows… but it effects both online and offline apps.

Hmm odd indeed. Sounds like a good chance to submit a Bug Report :wink:

Have done…