Mouse Horizontal Scroll Wheel Support In Editor?

Hi all,

I picked up the Logitech MX Master 3, which has a horizontal scroll wheel. However, not all applications support the horizontal scroll wheel, Unity among them. It would be really helpful in Project and Hierarchy tabs, but I would especially love to see it in the Animation tab.

Is there a setting or shortcut I can change to get Unity to support horizontal scroll?



I’d love to know the answer to this as well. Is there a place in Shortcuts or somewhere else where we can assign the horizontal scroll? Unity… anyone… Unity… is this thing on? :slight_smile:

Interested in this question too! Someone found the answer?

Any luck?

Bumping this because I recently got the MX Master 3 and working on Sequences. Horizontal scrolling would work wonders

Wondering this too? Should I submit a feature request?

So I take it this is not at all supported?