Mouse / Keyboard / Trackpad Input on VisionPro


I am trying to get mouse, keyboard, and trackpad input in my unbounded VisionOS app. The input devices are correctly connected to the headset as they work perfectly on system interfaces and apps.

When I run my game, the input’s don’t work even though they worked in the editor. Surprisingly I was able to get the mouse click to come through, but only when I am gazing at UI that I’ve setup using the EnhancedSpatialPointerSupport. My guess is the Apple system knows to pipe in the mouse clicks as emulated “pinches” on your hand. Sadly I couldn’t figure out how to get the mouse delta positions or anything from the keyboard to come through.

Here are some screenshots of the Input Action maps I have setup and the example code I am using to test.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

We’re definitely aware of this shortcoming with respect to Bluetooth keyboard input, but I don’t think we had really considered support for mouse/touchpad. Presumably we could use the GameController API for that, as well. I would suggest submitting it to our road map so that we stay aware of the interest level for the feature.