mouse look not working the same since upgrade

I have been playing around with unity to try a sample crafting system with in the game how ever when I upgraded to 4.2 I noticed that the component mouse look is not working the same as it was in my v3.x. to test the inventory portion of the crafting.

basically what I did was just import the rob the robot free model from the store, I then moved the main camera to be under the robot and set the camera x = 0, y = 2 z = -1. Then from selecting the robot at the highest level I added component->character->fps input control and component->camera control->mouse look. This was enough to allow basic fps control in my previous version of unity but for some reason in this version the model no longer turns with the mouse if you guys have any suggestions it would be appreciated.

ok I think I figured out the problem, mouse virtueiliztion. When originally testing my little scripts I was using a vitalized mouse. actually using a physical mouse seems to solve this problem.