Mouse Over on a GuiDrawTexture

Hi guys!
I want to make appear a Label with specs when the mouse over this gui.drawtexture.
My problem is when I create the texture by script how I do a onmouseover to her?
Thanks to all.

  if(show == true){
		GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect( (Screen.width/2)+115, (Screen.height/2)-150, 450, 400 ), view);

		if ()
			GUI.Label(new Rect( (Screen.width/2)+115, (Screen.height/2)-150, 450, 400 ),"<color=red><size=15>"+desc+": </size></color>");

You’re using a Rect to draw the screen texture. You can use that Rect’s Contains function to check if Input.mousePosition is inside the rectangle.

var rect = new Rect((Screen.width/2)+115, (Screen.height/2)-150, 450, 400);

GUI.DrawTexture(rect, view);
if (rect.Contains(Input.mousePosition)) {
    //draw label