Mouse Position Values are Tiny

Hi all,
I want to get my mouse position, but when I get it, it comes out a fraction of what it should be:

Vector3 mouseScreenPos = Input.mousePosition;
Vector3 mouseWorldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(mouseScreenPos.x, mouseScreenPos.y, Camera.main.nearClipPlane));
Vector3 mousePos = new Vector3(mouseWorldPos.x, transform.position.y, mouseWorldPos.z);

I logged my mouse position and it seems to be working, but at an extremely incremental amount. For example if the mouse is at x = 6, it would tell me it’s at x = 0.2. Thanks in advance, here’s a gif of my problems (you can see everything logged in my console to the right, I have 3 different debug logs):
Click here

@harperrhett, You’re getting a world point at the near clipping plane. Of course those values are smaller the closer the near clipping plane is to the camera because it the the size of the clipping plane depends on its distance from the camera and your view angle. Use a larger z value.

Perhaps you are unclear about what ScreenToWorldPoint does?

It does not return a point on an object that the mouse is over. You need a RayCast to do that using any ScreenToWorldPoint at one end (no matter what z distance you use to calculate it) and the camera as the origin. Cast a ray outward using those two points and get the object hit to find the World position of the hit point “under” the mouse.

ScreenToWorldPoint delivers a World point on a plane perpendicular to the Camera’s Z axis at the z distance you specify. The close that plane is to the camera, the smaller the World Point numbers returned.