Mouse scroll wheel doesn't work on Unity Editor 2020.1.6f1 for Linux

I’ve also faced this issue in previews versions of Unity 2020.1.x and in the current 2019 LTS.
I’m on Fedora 32

Could you please file a bug report.

I filed a bug report to this topic. Here are some of my findings:

  • The problem occurs on Fedora 32, does not occur on Ubuntu 18.04.
  • I originally thought the problem may be do to Wayland or KDE. Starting Unity on Xorg in Fedora 32 (with Gnome) didn’t fix the problem. Starting Unity using Gnome with Wayland also didn’t help.

Other than this, I have not yet been able to isolate what in Fedora 32 is different that is causing this issue.

I had the same issue. It was IMWheel. Turned that off and I could scroll in unity editor again!

I found this forum post after filing my own bug to Unity. Same symptoms here: Fedora 34, mouse wheel works fine in every other app except for Unity editor.

I tried different renderers; switching to evdev; imwheel; nothing makes a difference, Unity simply won’t respond to mouse wheel.

Same problem on 2021.f.4f1 in editor, WIndows 10. Scrolling works fine with every other app.

any updates on this bug?
it is very annoying as the mouse wheel scroll is really slow in the editor and i have 100s of files in the Editor