Is there away to change general mouse sensitivity, this means all mouse movements not just first person view. If anybody knows how to please tell me.
There’s nothing wrong with using the editor to do things. I learned that the hard way.
Here is code to do FPSMouse:
float mouseSpeedX = 1;
float mouseSpeedY = 1;
float xRotation = 0;
float yRotation = 0;
void Update()
//Get mouse input
yRotation = -Mathf.Clamp(Input.GetAxis(“Mouse Y”) * mouseSpeedY, -80f, 80f);
xRotation = Input.GetAxis(“Mouse X”) * mouseSpeedX;//Apply to camera and player Camera.main.transform.eulerAngles += new Vector3(yRotation, 0f, 0f); transform.eulerAngles += new Vector3(0f, xRotation, 0f); }
This script assumes that you’re using a player to rotate on the side-to-side and a camera to rotate up-to-down.
yes there is , if you code it correctly in the first place.
Go Unity Bar On Top → Edit → Porject Settings → Input
Then …
Find the mouse X, Mouse Y inputs, and change the sensitivity setting to higher or lower ( pss you gotta use those inputs in your code for it to affect all your mouse sensitivity )