Mouse trigger?

Hello, I am trying to make it so that when I click my mouse button while over a trigger, that the game objects tag changes.
For example if my mouse is over a red square and I click it, I want it to change the tag to safe using a trigger. How do I make my mouse button a trigger in this case?
Currently I have a script where if the ball rolls over the item it changes the tag

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Hurtful : MonoBehaviour
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        gameObject.tag = "Safe";


But that’s just any and all objects with a trigger. I am planning it so that if my mouse clicks the object, it changes the tag, and the ball continues rolling but if I don’t change it the ball triggers another scene.
So I need to know two things: How do I make it so when my mouse it over a trigger and I click, it triggers whatever is OnTriggerEnter2D, and how would I make it so that if my gameObject touches a tag that isnt Safe or untagged it loads a scene from scenemanager?

The OnTrigger family of methods is called from the physics engine, not from the mouse.

Are you perhaps looking or something like OverlapPoint()?

or perhaps:

If that’s not it, start with some tutorials for what you’re trying to accomplish. No sense in one of us trying to guess and typing a bunch of text in this box when it’s already waiting for you on Youtube.

you can use OnMouseDown()

or OnMouseEnter()

Thanks man, I will try this when I get home. If it doesn’t work I’ll ask ya.