Move an object in 2D through more points

Hi, I’m new to the C++ language and Unity. This is what I’m trying to accomplish, move an Object through 2 points starting from x0 and y0 moving to x= -11 y= 4 then from this position to x=0 y=2, but when I try my Object stop moving at x=-5.444 an y=2.

This is my code.

public Vector2 target1 = new Vector2 (-11,4);
        public Vector2 target2 = new Vector2 (0,2);
        public Vector2 target2 = new Vector2 (0,2);
        public float speed=1;
        public float i=0;
        private static Vector3 puntoA ;
        private static Vector3 puntoB ;
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start () {
                puntoA = new Vector3(target1.x, target1.y,0) - transform.position ;
                puntoB = new Vector3(target2.x, target2.y,0) - transform.position ;
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update () {
                Debug.Log("i: " +i);
                if (i==0)
                        if ( (transform.position.x >= puntoA.x) & (transform.position.y <= puntoA.y) ) //x della Meella maggiore a -11 e y inferiore a 4
                                transform.Translate (puntoA.normalized* speed* Time.deltaTime) ;
                if (i==1)
                        if ( (transform.position.x <= puntoB.x) & (transform.position.y >= puntoB.y) ) //x della Mella inferiore a 0 e y maggiore a 2
                                transform.Translate (puntoB.normalized* speed* Time.deltaTime) ;

You have to use iTween for animation purpose.
In that you have to partition movement in two segments. Using iTween you can able to detect completion of one movement so that you can able to start other movement.

You animation looks smooth also. If you are new to Unity then you have to read some tutorial related to usage of it but it become helpful to you in future.