Move armature rigidbody character

I’m working on a game with a mixture of ragdoll and animations for the character.
So I added a box collider on each bone with a rigidbody in kinematic mode and interpolate with continuous dynamic collision detection.

This is how the hierarchy looks like.

My problem is that I don’t know how I can move the whole character from the parent with all the rigidbodies.
If I try to move the the rigidbody on the character(root transform) with Rigidbody.AddForce or Rigidbody.velocity, this will happen:

And if I try to change the position of the character with it’s transform, I can’t collide with world objects…
So how can I move parent with multiple rigidbodies in it’s children?
Thankful for any help!

@jni97 Check the part after te RightHand_end it looks like you have some “Objects” not parented

Rigidbody bodies = GetComponentsInChildren();
foreach (Rigidbody rb in bodies)
rb.gameObject.tag = “Parca”;

if (other.CompareTag(“Parca”))

        other.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(-transform.right * 100000f);
