Move Bones of a Character Mesh

Hi Guys,
I have the camera placed exactly on the nose of a dog (that is my avatar), and I want, when I move the camera, to move it in the same direction the head of this dog.

Rotate camera left → rotate dog head left
Rotate camera right → rotate dog head right

But really I don’t know how to do this in Unity, basically I don’t know how to get a pointer to the Head of the dog (that is a Bone) and apply to it directly the TRANSFORM of the camera…

Really I hope to be clear!

Bones in Unity are just empty GameObjects, so placing a reference to one in a script is as simple as making a public variable and then dragging the object you want onto your script in the Inspector.

You can do what you want by parenting one object to the other though, no script required. It should be as simple as dragging one object onto the other in the hierarchy view.

dawvee, thanks, is very easy!!!