Move camera diagonally opposite table and reverse look direction

This is driving me crazy. I’m trying to build a table tennis game where you play against yourself and I’m trying to create a function that will take the player from current position to the diagonal opposite side of the table and turn the camera around - the end result that the player changed side but only notices because the ball is now coming towards him - of course this should be a “recurring” function sending the player back and forth. The move should happen instantaneously, i.e. “teleport” - I’m sure you get the idea. I’ve tried a million things like using math, using rotate, using reflections etc. I’ve google everything I can think of, looked though a lot of documentation and watched many videos on youtube. I’ve mostly worked with SteamVR_Render.Top() for the headset position and various point working with the “mirroring”, as an example the center of the table. Pleeeeaaaaseeee help - it is driving me absolutely crazy and after having spent 10 hours plus on this rather small thing I’m about to drop the project which was supposed to be fun after all. Your help will be highly appreciated!!

Just in case anyone is curious - managed to solve this using position and rotation on the SteamVR_Render.Top()