Move camera with inspector slider and include it's current location?

While playing I am moving the camera (z) with a slider in the inspector. I want the slider to take into account the current camera z position but when I do that, the slider no longer moves the camera. Here is the code that does move the camera but the camera z position is set to 0.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Main_FadeWithCameraDistance : MonoBehaviour
    [Range(-100, 100)]
    public float cameraZSlider;
    public Vector3 cameraPos;
    void Update()

    void CameraLocation()
        cameraPos.x = Camera.main.transform.position.x;
        cameraPos.y = Camera.main.transform.position.y;

        cameraPos.z = cameraZSlider;
        Camera.main.transform.position = cameraPos;       

If my camera is at -20 z, I want the slider to be at -20 and the camera at -20 when hit play and for the slider to still work. cameraZSlider = Camera.main.transform.position.z doesn’t work since I can no longer use the slider.

Hello there,

I would recommend to write everything in “FixedUpdate” function. It is updating constantly and there will be no lags.

And calling the “CameraLokation”-function every frame in the update methode is quiet unefficient, put it directly in the Update or FixedUpdate function.

Now to your question:

You want to control the Z-position of your camera with a slider in your inspector, right?

And the script is sitting on the camera you want to move?

if so, here is the script I would use:

    [Range(-100, 100)]
    public float camPosZ;

    void FixedUpdate()
        Vector3 camPos = transform.position;
        camPos.z = camPosZ;

        Camera.main.transform.position = camPos;

Why do you want the Vector 3 to be public? if you want to move the camera via another script, just use “Main.Camer.transform.position”.

And you cant move the camera in Playmode in unity, if you dont use the slider you made.

I hope I could help, and it works…

Have a nice Day and good luck,


You need to set your slider z to what the camera has? Then use the below script. This is what the start and awake function are used for.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Main_FadeWithCameraDistance : MonoBehaviour

	[Range(-100, 100)]
	public float cameraZSlider;
	public Vector3 cameraPos;
	void Start(){
		cameraZSlider = Camera.main.transform.position.z;
	void Update()

	void CameraLocation()
		cameraPos.x = Camera.main.transform.position.x;
		cameraPos.y = Camera.main.transform.position.y;
		cameraPos.z = cameraZSlider;
		Camera.main.transform.position = cameraPos;       