Move object on its local transform with clamp

Hi I am having trouble figuring out how I can clamp and move an object position on its local transform.

If this info matters I am setting the objects transform rotation to another object that is a child of a different object.

Below this works for local space. I feel like I am missing 1 step.

            this.transform.rotation = SlidePivot.transform.rotation;
            float x = SlidePivot.transform.position.x;
            float y = SlidePivot.transform.position.y;
            float z = SlidePivot.transform.position.z;

            x = Mathf.Clamp(this.transform.position.x, x - .01f, x + .01f);
            this.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);

Any thoughts?


It’s unclear to me what is being clamped to what. Is it possible that you intend to use the transform.localPosition property instead? That is the locally-rotated relative position of an object to its parent, but obviously not to ANOTHER object that it isn’t parented to.

so I have object “A”. I am taking object “B” position and rotation and setting those to A. I want to clamp in this case object A x.position based on the x.position of object B. This way I can move object A on the xAxis within those constraints. Right now I am able to get this to work but object A is clamping in the world rather than local position.

When I have attempted to use local position Object A starts flickering between two points in space.

Hopefully I explained this better.

This is something I have come up with, however the syntax is very annoying and I am curious if there is an easier way to write this.

    float JC_minObjX;
    float JC_maxObjX;

    float JC_ObjX;
    float JC_Objy;
    float JC_Objz;

    public GameObject Leader;
    public GameObject Follower;

    bool Toggle = false;

    void NeedleGrab()
            JC_ObjX = transform.InverseTransformVector(transform.position).x;
            JC_Objy = transform.InverseTransformVector(transform.position).y;
            JC_Objz = transform.InverseTransformVector(transform.position).z;
            JC_minObjX = JC_ObjX - 1;
            JC_maxObjX = JC_ObjX;

    void Update()
        Follower.transform.eulerAngles = Leader.transform.eulerAngles;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I))
            Toggle = true;

        if (Toggle == true)
            float clamp = Mathf.Clamp(transform.InverseTransformVector(transform.position).x, JC_minObjX, JC_maxObjX);
            Vector3 noclamp = new Vector3(clamp, JC_Objy, JC_Objz);
            Follower.transform.position = Follower.transform.transform.TransformVector(noclamp);

I am not sure yet if this will work with what I am attempting to do yet. I should know relatively soon though.

I am a little confused about inverse transform vector and local position.