Move Object Using iTween

I want to move my game object horizontally on screen.

For this I want to use iTween.MoveTo() function to reach at desire position.

Also I want listener for this so that I can able to deactivate object when it finished its movement.

If any one provide basic example for usage of this then it become useful to me as well as other members.

iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash(“x”, positionx, “y”, anypositiony, “oncomplete”, “functionwhenfinished”));

i think the documentation is good to read, though they don’t give an example of simple code, but if yours, try this

iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, new Vector3(x,y,z), t)
where gameObject is what object u want to move,
Vector3(x,y,z) is the point you want your object to go
and t is int/float for how fast your object.