Move the line renderer in a circle with only left and right arrow keys

I am trying to move the line renderer (as an aim) in a circle with only left and right arrow keys but I have difficulties with it. Here is the image of how my game looks.

and here is my script (not completed)

public class aiming: MonoBehaviour
    LineRenderer lr;
    float input;

    void Start()
        lr = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();


    private void FixedUpdate()

      // move the line renderer at index 1 depending on the input value


    void Update()

        input = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");


  1. Make parent object for Line and reset transform of that parent object.
  1. Rotate Line parent on desired axis. In this example on Z.
  1. Control this axis with script. A key increase D key decrease. Don’t forget to clamp those values.