Move towards without stopping at the target location

I want to make an object moves to a target , but to keep it moving (in the same direction of course) after it reaches the target.
I tried moveToward but it just stop when it reach the target…

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You’ll want to store the direction it’s moving, and then use that. Subtract the positions to get the direction. To keep your speed constant, normalize the direction vector (make it have a length of 1).

Let’s say that you are moving towards “target”:

public Transform target;
private Vector3 movementVector =;
public float moveSpeed = 1f; //units per second

void Start() { // or whatever function triggers the movement
movementVector = (target.position - transform.position).normalized * moveSpeed;

void Update() {
transform.position += movementVector * time.deltaTime;

Thanks !

You are a legend, been searching for 3 days!

Sorry for the necropost – but how would I do this if I only had the seconds per unit, and not the units per second?

float unitsPerSecond = 1f / secondsPerUnit;

Or you can just divide instead of multiplying.