I have an object with a move vector and based on it’s move vector, move speed, and angle it moves. That code is pretty simple and works fine so hopefully no need to post it.
When I hit a key I set a target height, so if it’s at 0 to start and I hit up the target height is say 20. There are only 3 set heights -20, 0, and 20 so it doesn’t do anything different if you hit up or down multiple times.
I also have a target angle which is simply the yaw. So here is my code for angling the object just for yaw:
if (MoveVector.x != 0 || MoveVector.z != 0)
//Get our target rotation
Quaternion targetAngle = TP_Controller.Instance.TargetAngle;
//Interpolate our angle
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetAngle, Time.deltaTime * TurnSpeed);
What I am trying to figure out is how to handle the pitch rotation so it slowly angles to some angle like 45 then back to 0 when it gets close to the target height. Sort of like an S curve.
I tried just setting an angle until it reaches the height, but with small angles it starts freaking out and when it goes up right before it gets to the height it is a little jerky. Here is the code I am using:
if (MoveVector.x != 0 || MoveVector.z != 0)
//Get our target rotation
Quaternion targetAngle = TP_Controller.Instance.TargetAngle;
//now angle according to level
if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.y - TP_Controller.Instance.TargetHeightLevel) > 1)
float xRot = transform.position.y < TP_Controller.Instance.TargetHeightLevel ? -60.0f : 60.0f;
targetAngle.eulerAngles = new Vector3(targetAngle.eulerAngles.x + xRot, targetAngle.eulerAngles.y, targetAngle.eulerAngles.z);
//Interpolate our angle
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetAngle, Time.deltaTime * TurnSpeed);
Figured I would just post and see if anyone knows of a better solution. If you need more info/code let me know.
PS: Sorry if this should really be posted on forums.unity rather than answers.unity; I am still a little confused about the difference and I only made an answers account. I know there is a description, but according to the posts in both areas there doesnt’t seem to be much of a difference.