Movement along the spline

I am looking for some guidance on how I should approach implementing spline scrubber/movement.

What I am trying to achieve is:

I want my animated target to follow a spline based on a root motion delta position (I have a walk animation that moves my character forward thus I can obtain the delta position.

I don’t mind having a separate AnimationTrack present that will drive the actual animation and blending, etc. since it isn’t straightforward to extend AnimationTrack and related classes.

So my question is:

  • how should I set the position and rotation of the Animator’s GameObject? (i can handle all the required calculations)
  • what should I do to allow this to be previewable as regular animations when working with the timeline?

I would appreciate some info. I’ve searched the forums, the internet, existing opensource packages (GitHub - fx-lange/unity-spline-scrubber: Unity Timeline integration for the Unity Spline package utilizing c# job system and burst compiler), and paid assets ( and didn’t found anything that will work correctly.

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Hi, I‘m the developer behind spline scrubber and just stumbled upon your post. It’s true that spline scrubber doesn’t support your approach. What it allows to do is the other way around:

Instead of the root motion driving the movement on the spline you could use the speed/delta from spline+timeline to drive the animation (develop branch).

I guess as long as root motion delta is ~constant it could be close enough.