Movement in Cardboard XR Plugin

Hi, I am a newbie in Unity and I have never written a code.

I started a project in Unity 2020.2.1f1 with the Cardboard XR Plugin, following these instructions: Quickstart for Google Cardboard for Unity  |  Google for Developers

I can successfully build and run the scene on my phone, and it works as intended. I can look around and the poligonal object changes its color when I stare at it.

However, I would like to make my character move around. I need a code that makes the character move automatically, once I touch the screen, towards the direction the camera is facing, and when I tap the screen again the character stops moving. Obviously the character should not float in the air, but stay on the ground.

Hi @AndrexAce , Google Cardboard is no longer directly supported by Unity. If you have any issues related to Google’s latest Cardboard XR plugin for Unity, the Google team has requested you open issues on Github here where their team will address.