Movement objects rigidbody and transform

hi everybody, i am doing a game where 4 objects (with rigidbody) are moving in z and at the end its a wall. i want that objects stops at the wall but they pass through if are moving at velocidadCapsule=0.95 but stop on the wall if are moving at velocidadCapsule=0.05. The movement is made with a transform.position

miCapsule.position += new Vector3 (0,0,velocidadCapsule);

which is the reason of this behaviour?

thank you in advance

the problem is that i am doing an addition of a position, if you are doing big additions for example 9.0 +9.0 and your object is only a scale of 1 then the leap is bigger than your object because of the discrete, this is the reason why only works with low numbers like + 0.1. I have another game done with addForce but i didn’t understand the difference between those differents methods. now i see that the difference is that addForce works in a continue space and transform.position works in the discrete space. Thanks to everybody for the support anyway