Movement speed of 2 players not matching

I am making a multi player space adventure, i have created controls for player 1 using, standard
WASD keys, and other player is controlled by the arrow keys. Both the players are supposed to have the same speed but the player 2, i.e the one controlled by arrows, is more responsive and fast than player 1, despite all the variables including speed are the same for both, so please help as i dont want to change the controls and i want them to move the same way.

Code goes like,
Player 1
Transform.translate(vector3.up * time. deltatime*speed) ;
And so on…

Player 2
Transform.translate(vector3.up * time. deltatime*speed) ;
And so on…

if ‘speed’ is a public variable on a component…assuming for each player… make sure its the same on both.
also check where this code is… presumably in Update() not in OnGui() or anything that might get called more than once per frame.