MoveTowards and Lerp not working on RectTransform?

Hello i am currently working on a menu, so we are talking GUI elements, where when you click on one folder the others move away, so there is room for the chosen folder to open.
But i cannot find out how to smoothly move the folders around.
I have tried using MoveTowards and Lerp, but it does not work.
I have left my code both for Lerp and for MoveTowards so you can see.
Note This code is run in a coroutine.

//if the folder is not open...
if (!isFolderOpen)
    //Check every RectTransform in the children list...
    foreach (RectTransform child in children)
        //and check if it's x position is bigger then the currently clicked folder
        if (child.anchoredPosition.x > rect.anchoredPosition.x)
          newPos = new Vector2(child.anchoredPosition.x - distance, child.anchoredPosition.y);

            while (child.anchoredPosition != newPos)
                //child.anchoredPosition = Vector2.MoveTowards(child.anchoredPosition, newPos, 10 * Time.deltaTime);

                //child.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(Mathf.Lerp(child.anchoredPosition.x, child.anchoredPosition.x - distance, 0.5f), child.anchoredPosition.y);

                yield return null;

I can now make the folders move, but the movement is not stable. The first couple of times you open and close the folders everything looks great, but after a couple of clicks, the folders start shaking and suddenly move out instead of in.
Here is the new code:

private IEnumerator MoveOut(RectTransform folder, bool left) //Moves the folders outwards away from the selected folder
    //Creates a variable to store the new position of the folder
    Vector3 newPosChild;

    //should it move left?
    if (left)
        //then set the new position to it's current position minus distance
        newPosChild = new Vector3(folder.localPosition.x - distance, folder.localPosition.y, folder.localPosition.z);

    //or should it move to the right?
        //then set the new position to it's current position plus distance
        newPosChild = new Vector3(folder.localPosition.x + distance, folder.localPosition.y, folder.localPosition.z);

    //As long as the folder is not in it's new position...
    while (folder.localPosition != newPosChild)
        //move it towards it's new position
        folder.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(folder.localPosition, newPosChild, movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

        if (Vector3.Distance(folder.localPosition, newPosChild) < 10)
            folder.localPosition = newPosChild;

        yield return null;

private IEnumerator MoveBack(RectTransform folder)
    StoreOriginalPosition childOriPos;

    childOriPos = folder.gameObject.GetComponent<StoreOriginalPosition>();

    while (folder.localPosition != childOriPos.originalPos)
        //move it back to it's original position
        folder.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(folder.localPosition, childOriPos.originalPos, movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

        if (Vector3.Distance(folder.localPosition, childOriPos.originalPos) < 10)
            folder.localPosition = childOriPos.originalPos;

        yield return null;

@SilverShadowWolf Hello there.

OK, I check your code and there is one big mistake, if you want to move your UI (no matter which element it is), you need to manipulate the position not the anchor, see the next images:

Initial position

After move it

As you can see, the anchor does not have nothing to do about position, it’s just for resizing/positioning reference relative to its parent (canvas or panel), to check this, just drag the UI Gizmo (press the button after scale in the tab tools to see it) after set any type of anchor to see what I mean, cheers.

Note: You can manipulate the position by scripting using this:

RectTransform transform;

transform.localPosition = new Vector3("New Pos in X", "New Pos in Y",  0);