I have imported a video into Unity and am playing it on a plane. I have also attached the audio from the video to a game object in the world and assigned a maxDist of 10. However, when I move the AudioListener >10 away from the source, the sound doesn’t fade out. No matter how far I go, the audio remains at the same level. I have many other audio sources in the scene that behave as expected.
Oddly, if I am using the editor and I pause after playing, the audio seems to fix itself. I’ve tried both mp4s and movs but I can’t seem to falloff to work without pausing after play.
I have ran into the same problem.
After trial and error, I found a solution by using a specific combination of codecs. I output both of the files from After Effects.
The video is a Quicktime (.mov) Photo JPEG compression.
The audio is a separate uncompressed .wav.
Apply the audio to an Audio Source as usual, and apply the Movie Texture via a script. The audio syncs, behaves as 3D audio, and the video doesn’t flash at the end.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class playMovie : MonoBehaviour {
public MovieTexture movTexture;
void Start () {
renderer.material.mainTexture = movTexture;
void Update () {
if (!movTexture.isPlaying){
movTexture.Play ();
movTexture.loop = true;
audio.Play ();
audio.loop = true;
I was running into the same problems and found, like Kyrnal, that using a seperate file rather than the video’s audio was the only way to make it work. So I’m in the long process of batch converting all the mp4s into mp3s.
This is really a pretty big bug (if bug it is), and a huge hassle. I couldn’t find any other threads with a better solution than this one. ;c
select the gameobject that has the audio attached.
In 3D sound settings, there is a volume rolloff graph that depicts the volume curve as you approach or move away from the gameobject. If you move away from the object, you will see the red volume line moving down the curve (or line if linear) to the bottom right. But if this line doesn’t reach the very bottom of the graph (volume = 0), then the sound will never be actually muted when exceeding max distance. Check these values.
One quick way to check is to select a linear rolloff method and listen.