Movie texture has a glitch at the end of a loop

I have a 4 second looping video texture. And at the end of a loop there is a short stutter which breaks the loop.
The video itself has a flawless loop so it has to be something with Unity.
I tried this solution:

But it doesn’t work for us.
I tried .mp4, .mov, . avi wrappers with a whole bunch of different codecs, the result is always the same.
The video glitches at the end of a loop.

Hey there, dunno if you ever found a solution to this. I ran into this earlier today and solved it by

  1. using a .mp4 wrapper, like that other poster suggested

  2. in the process, making sure my video output to a nice even framerate; constant 30. not 29.97 or anything else. I think It might be a matter of unity struggling with a video ending during frame rendering, so it throws up a white frame until the loop kicks in and the next frame comes along.

I just used HandBrake for the conversion

I’m having this same problem today and it’s driving me nuts! Like you suggested, @CofaResearch I used Handbrake to get an even 30 FPS .mp4, but the white frame is still flashing. I’m not seeing much about this out there. Any further tips would be very appreciated! Stuck on Unity 5.3, if it matters.

Hello, I have researched this bug and found settings for converting videos. If you use H.264 (this codec is good for working on both iPhone and Androids phones). Unity 2018.1.1f1 VideoPlayer works correctly with the following settings:

  1. 30FPS (set type Constant Framerate).
  2. Avg Bitrate (kbps) 1000 - 1500 (if the video is slow and doesn’t have many changes between frames) and set “2-Pass Encoding” to “True”.
  3. And most importantly, set “Encoder Tune” to “Zero Latency” and Fast Decoder to “True” (these settings are for economy and slow processors, helping to decode video faster).
    The size of my video is 720x1080, audio format aac with bitrate 160.

I hope this helps you.