In the online reference manual under “File Texture” it says: “They are image or movie files that you put on your objects.”
Does this mean whe can have a movie file(mpeg, .mov, avi) as a texture on an object?
What is the best way to have a full screen movie play? Would I create a mesh plane that fills the screen and texture the movie to that mesh plane?
Or is there a ‘video layer’ similar to the GUILayer?
Is there a way to control the playback of a movie texture through scripting?
Found Class: AnimationClip
Is this what I am looking for to playback a videoclip?
If so are there any posted examples?
You can import quicktime movies. They are not decompressed on the fly, so you will burn up space at an alarming rate.
To get them to play you need to call Texture.SetFrame from scripting
Snippet from the latest script reference docs.
This shows how to play back a movie file texture.
1591–58–$movieplayer_304.js (501 Bytes)
What file format must the FileTexture be? I have a 256*256, 15fps quicktime .mov file and the Inspector won’t accept the file if I try to drag it on to the “File Texture” script variable.
Sorry - my bad - the images hadn’t been cropped to precisely 256*256 (curse Graphic Converter!).