MovieTexture Color problems

When importing a movie of any filetype into Unity, the colorspace seems to be somewhat off: There’s a blue-ish tint all over the image - refer to the screenshot below.

Enabling the “Bypass sRGB Sampling” option also doesn’t change anything on how the movietexture looks (even in the asset-previewer). I also tried setting the Colorspace in the playersettings, without any effect. But when I play the sourcefile with VLC player, everything is fine, so the problem doesn’t lie with the file itself.

I have the same problem here, except the tint is more red-ish. Some help would be welcome !

I’m getting the same thing. Video with a flat yellow colour appears full-on orange as a movietexture. Can’t work it out at the moment.

I’m too. My video become darker. Change color space to gamma make it’s color more correctly, but that’s still not enough.

I am having the same issue, yellow looks orange. I urgently need a fix or work around for this issue.

I have found a work around, although not the correct way to do things it does work.

  1. Insert a directional light.
  2. Set the shader on the plane which displays the video texture to standard. (used to be ‘unlit texture’ in the past)
  3. Adjust the intensity of the directional light until the colours correct themselves.

The ‘Bypass sRGB Sampling’ makes no difference.

In player settings colour space must be set to gamma.
Hope this helps.

I am having this problem as well but I can’t use the directional light since I’m using the movie textures on an Image and it would mess up the rest of my scene if I changed the lighting to gamma

Holla Dust :smile:

I think that’s because you are using directional light or another light to your plane,
disable it from your plane with any way, for the dull color, you can try this,

The main idea is make your plane to be like multiply layer to the white space.

Set the material of your plane be more metalic, and smoothness around 0.5 (you can play with this)
thick the reflection on forward rendering options, next step is make our mirror (plane) reflecting white color.
Go to window > lighting and set your skybox material using Sprites-Default, it will make you entire world become white.

It will help your video color more bright (increase saturation) :smile:

sorry for my English :frowning:

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Or the simple thing is you can try change your shader to be Unlit > Texture


I was looking for help with a similar situation where all my videos were kind of gray. Really hard to see.
I looked at your message and found in window>lighting>skybox that “FOG” was checked by default in unity 2019.1.0f2.
Deselected fog and now videos look perfect