MovieTexture doesn't play after loading another scene


I’m encountering a strange issue with MovieTextures.

My first scene mainly consists of the camera facing a plane with a VideoTexture on it. When I run the whole thing, the first frames of the video are black; which is annoying, but I can live with it. It’s not the problem I’m concerned about, because otherwise the video plays just fine.

Now when I switch to another scene in runtime using LoadLevel then switch back to the title screen, the plane is black and I can’t see any video. Yet oddly enough isPlaying is true which means the video is technically playing… but it definitely does not display anything.

This happens no matter what video I use, so it’s probably not video-specific.

This also happens in both the editor and builds.

Does anyone have any idea where that might be coming from?


(Running Unity 5.3.4f1 Personal on a Windows 7 64bit machine.)

public MovieTexture mov;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

mov.Play ();
mov.loop = true;

you can use the awake function to do this also.

That’s not the problem here. My video plane already has the correct script. As stated in the opening post, the video plays just fine at first; the problem only arises when I get to the scene from another scene using LoadLevel.

i tested this script with the multiple levels with the same Applicaiton.Loadlevel function it is working fine…