Moving a file from the project folder to the data directory at runtime


My game has a SQLite database stored as a .sqdb file at Application.persistentDataPath. I’d like to have default content in the database. I was thinking I could keep a .sqdb file in the project folder and copy it over to the data directory the first time the user opens the app. I’m not sure how to accomplish that though.

I figured it out. Here it is if anyone’s curious. Make sure you’re using System.IO.

    public void CopyFileIfNonexistent (string fileName) {
		string dataPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName;
		string assetPath = "Assets/Mobile/Resources/" + fileName;

		if(!File.Exists(dataPath)) {
			// File doesn't exist, move it from assets folder to data directory
			File.Copy(assetPath, dataPath);