So, I have two gameobjects, a player and a crosshair. The crosshair is always 20 units in the forward direction of the player, with its y value set to 0. What I would like is to launch another gameobject, a projectile, from the player, to the crosshair. This is what I attempted.
When the player presses space, I run this little script
Instantiate( missile, transform.position, transform.rotation);
And in the missile start function I do this.
Vector3 direction = crosshair.transform.position - player.transform.position;
and in the Update function for missile, I do this
transform.Translate((direction * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime));
But I get wierd results, it works when the player is facing a certain direction, but as it rotates, the direction keeps getting more and more inaccurate.
Any ideas?