I started a Unity project in Mac OSX and I moved the entire project folder to win7 machine.
When I load the project in win7 I got a whole bunch of errors, some samples below.
What might be wrong as I expected this to work (and has in the past)?
I’m using Unity 4.6.3f1.
Appreciate any help!
Refresh case sensitivity failure. Asset: Assets/Textures/._fsf_sf1_bump_tex.jpg ; Metafile: Assets/Textures/._fsf_sf1_bump_tex.jpg.meta
assets/textures/._fsf_sf1_bump_tex.jpg is not a valid asset file name. Please make sure there are no slashes or other unallowed characters in the file name. The file will be ignored.
Unable to parse YAML file: [Control characters are not allowed] at line 0
These errors repeat for several other resource files.