moving airbound object with navemesh

Hi guys
So is there a way to have a bird use navmesh destination.Get error “SetDestination” can only be called on an active agent that has been placed on a NavMesh… Anyway to use setdestination for an object not on the ground?

Navmeshes are not for 3d pathfinding as far as I know.

Characters on the ground move using it and avoid obstacles etc birds also need to avoid obstacles tall buildings trees very tall people etc. I can put a offset of 5 on the agent which has it fly above ground but not high enough

So anyone know a trick to use navmesh agents on objects that are in the air?is it possible?

put a plane in at the “flight height” and use that to generate a navmesh on? doesn’t need to be rendered afterall

if what you’re after is avoid obstacles present from the ground and up like skyscrappers you could put your flying entity into the hierarchy of an invisible agent, move X & Z of the root agent and Y of the flying child.