moving an object along a surface, then rotating it around end of surface

Im trying to move a circular gameobject along a surface and then rotate it around the corner / end point of that surface.

I think it can be soloved using trigonometry, but not 100 percent sure.
I can move the object along the surface using this calculation…offset = tan(A) x radius of circle. this gives me a distance I can offset the circle by, but having trouble with the rotation.

please see attached image for a better understanding of what i am trying to achieve.

It would be really helful if anyone can give me any advice on how to to resolve this problem.
thanks in advance.

javascript code for stage1 of the diagram…

var player : GameObject;
var d1 : float = 1;
var offset : float = 0;

function Update () {
	var angleA : float = Vector3.Angle(player.transform.position - transform.position, transform.forward);
	var angleB : float = 90 - angleA;
	var angleC : float = angleA + angleB;

	var angleCRadians : float = angleC * (Mathf.PI/180);
	var angleCTan = Mathf.Tan(angleCRadians);
	offset =  angleCTan x d1;

	transform.position += transform.TransformDirection(Vector3( -offset, 0, -d1));

So your formula only offsets him in one direction? Just use that until the difference between his X position and the edge of the wall is his radius, and then use the same formula to calculate his z offset on the Right side of the wall. that should give you the effect you want,
