Moving an object

I made a script to move an object in the X axis. I got it to move to the right but can’t get it to move in the opposite direction once it gets ti a certain position in game. Here is the script I made.

#pragma strict

var speed : float = 4.0;

function Update () {

transform.Translate(Vector3(speed,0,0) * Time.deltaTime);

if(transform.position.x == -36){
transform.Translate(Vector3(speed,0,0) * Time.deltaTime);

else if(transform.position.x == -25){
transform.Translate(Vector3(speed,0,0) * Time.deltaTime);


Any help would be grateful.

It would be practically impossible for the x value to be exactly -25 or -36. Use >= and <= (greater than or equal to, less than or equal to).

Store the speed in a separate variable, change the value of that variable based on the results of the conditionals.

pragma strict

public var speed : float = 4.0;

private var currSpeed : float;

function Start() 
	currSpeed = speed;

function Update() 
	if ( transform.position.x >= -25 )
		currSpeed = -speed;
	else if ( transform.position.x <= -36 )
		currSpeed = speed;
	transform.Translate( Vector3(currSpeed,0,0) * Time.deltaTime );

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