Good to know info:
I can’t attach a video demonstrating the issue, because this site restricts uploads to 500kb…nice.
I am using Unity version 2020.3.25f1
The issue is isolated to my project, can’t replicate in a different project of mine.
The issue started part way through my project, leading me to believe I altered something.
I am using the Unity First Person Template.
The problem!
I enter Play mode and if I move my camera, the camera skips horribly. Like 2fps kinda feel. It wasn’t doing this at first, so I feel like I accidentally altered a setting, but I can’t figure out what. If I walk or strafe there is no issue, smooth as butter. Moving my mouse faster exasperates the problem too.
Things I’ve already tried:
Googling the issue. Nothing so far, every camera related search brings up “did you put the camera follow in update or fixed update?” I didn’t edit the script in any way, and it was working great before.
I made a brand new scene and the problem persists. I try the Demo scene that comes with the FP template and problem persists.
Reimporting all the assets.
Restarting Unity.
Restarting my computer.
Deleting and replacing the Player prefab.
Deleting and replacing the Main camera.
Resetting player preferences.
Confirmed in a different project (on the same unity version), with a different player script, that it wasn’t my monitor acting up.