Hi. well, i want to move a camera using as input a mobile phone. Then, if there is a static object in a 3d space, if i walk forward the camera moves too…
Is this posibble?
Thanks in advance!!!
Hi. well, i want to move a camera using as input a mobile phone. Then, if there is a static object in a 3d space, if i walk forward the camera moves too…
Is this posibble?
Thanks in advance!!!
It depends on how far you walk and also on the phone. Most phones have a ‘fine’ or ‘coarse’ location tracking, you’d want to have the app use the fine of course.
My experience is that if you are thinking of a game that is neighborhood sized, it would work. If you are thinking of a room-size game it won’t work with GPS, the location will jump all over. You could use AR for very tight location tracking within a room, since it scans the room and tracks based on the camera.
try to imagine a bicycle race. But the bicycle has a tablet in front of the player that shows a virtual circuit.
Then, in the game, the player will be the camera which will move following the player moving
I’m not following you. Is the player on the bicycle? Are there two players, one at home and one on a bicycle?
The player is on the bicycle, and have a phone or tablet (android) showing a virtual circuit in front of him.
Then if the player by ex. moves forward, the camera which shows the circuit must move forward too, reproducing the movement of player.
It will work as well as Google Maps or any other GPS map does. I made a walking trail map and it was pretty accurate to the hiking path. You have to calculate the circumference of the earth, along with the latitude and longitude from the GPS data.
Also, you have to ‘reset’ the starting location regularly since the distance between longitude changes based on your latitude. Meaning, at the North pole you can walk across all longitudes with a few steps, but at the equator it’s thousands of miles. Before I figured out that, it was surprising how ‘off’ the map would be even just walking a block or so.
Edit: I will say, that I abandoned the project because getting Android’s to work was a total nightmare. Mine worked, but this was going to be used by volunteer tour guides and we realized the amount of time to troubleshoot a group of Android’s was impractical. The iPhone’s worked fine, but the iPad needs a wifi connection to work, so it didn’t work in this area.