moving character using position of FBX move animation?

I want my 3rd person character to move to the position i clicked. I also want that my character climbs some small walls automatically. The easiest way to get a smooth animation when going from walking to climbing is to use the animation from the FBX. When the climb animation is finished, i’m setting the character position to the hips position and i’m done. Should i use the FBX position from my walk animation when my character walks?


  1. start walking → play walk animation
  2. walk animation finished a loop → set character position to hips position
  3. if destination is not reached → play walk animation again (2.)
  4. if destination is reached → stop walk animation

but this solution is ugly. Is there a better way to do this?

The key words you’re looking for are “root motion”, and yes it is the ideal & accepted way to accomplish this. Googling that phrase should get you plenty of tutorials etc that will get you going.

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Thank you, this really helped me alot.