Moving game objects in a circle

Hey everyone

I’m looking for help on how to get my game objects to move in a circle pattern or any type of patter. Now I’ve tried using

transform.left and right

but together they just don’t work well.

Could someone please help me on how to make my object move in a pattern I specify for them?

make a new object and attach all the objects you want to rotate to that object. Then you can just disable the mesh renderer from the central object and rotate it.

If I understand you right, you are looking for something like this:

var rotation : Quaternion;
var radius = Vector3(5,0,0);
var currentRotation = 0.0;
function Update()
    currentRotation += Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime*100;
    rotation.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, currentRotation, 0);
    transform.position = rotation * radius;

More Details
Sin and Cosine are your friends.

Basic circlular motion is given by the following formula:

x = cx + Math.sin(time)*rad;
y = cy + Math.cos(time)*rad;

cx,cy are the center of the circle and

rad is the radius of the circle .

As time goes from 0 to 2*PI (or multiples thereof), the x,y values will describe a complete circle.
Here is an example of for more contact ( using this formula. Attach this script to the object you wish to move.

  cx = Stage.width/2; // coords of center of circle (center of screen, in this case)
  cy = Stage.height/2;

  rad = 100; // radius of circle

  speed = 6; // speed of travel (seconds to make a complete circuit)
  speedScale = (0.001*2*Math.PI)/speed;

  var angle = getTimer()*speedScale;
  this._x = cx + Math.sin(angle)*rad;
  this._y = cy + Math.cos(angle)*rad;

You could try and make a new object and attach all the objects you want to rotate to that object. Then you can just disable the mesh renderer from the central object and rotate it.

you can watch this plugin: Circle Objects Manager | GUI Tools | Unity Asset Store, I think it’s what you want