Moving objects performance in build vs Editor

I’m moving objects in the screen with transform.Translate (they don’t start at the same time, they’re ordered). I check the transform.position.y and, if equals -2, I reposition the object to transform.position.y = 11. So the objects seems to be falling in a loop. At some point, I stop the loop and the objects stops in order. In editor, I see perfectly what I need. In the PC and Android build, sometimes some object stops first than the previous object in order. I think that can be something about the update function, may be in editor runs more often than in a build, could be that?

EDIT: Here’s the Update function of each object. What Im tying to do is that when I hit STOP, the objects with order 3 or more stops if they are not in the zone limited by y = moveLimit and y = bottomPosition. If they’re in that zone, move until go out of that zone and then stops. Objects with order 0,1 and 2 will move until its destination and then stop.

     void Update ()
         if(moving == true)
             transform.Translate (0, Time.deltaTime * -speed,0);
             if(stop == false)
                 if(transform.position.y <= bottomPosition) { transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x,topPosition); }
                 if(order >= 3)
                     if((transform.position.y > moveLimit) || (transform.position.y <= bottomPosition))
                         moving = false;
                     if(transform.position.y <= rowDestination)
                         newPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x,rowDestination);
                         transform.position = newPosition;
                         moving = false;

I also see that the movement is more fluid on the editor than in the build version

The editor actually has more control over the update and maybe updating slower. The editor tries to make sure things don’t go horribly wrong and crash your system when running the game. It also performs certain processes that the build version is not doing, so you may get some differences when running outside the editor.

One project I have uses 34-38mb of memory while in the editor and while running the build version it uses about 4-5mb.
It also has the potential to use more memory in the editor if the GC wasn’t being run after about 1mb of garbage is created(yes the editor generates garbage that it cleans up after itself, part of its watch dog processes.)

As for your issue. How is each object being created, started and stopped?